Does vitamin B12 increase hemoglobin?
Yes, it does help in the production of red blood cells, so it does increase hemoglobin too.
Last updated on 31 May 2023
The best vitamin for anemia is Vitamin B12
The RBC count can be improved with an increase in the intake of nutrients like Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid), Vitamin B12, Iron, Copper, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E. Furthermore, exercising regularly and reducing the consumption of alcohol can increase the RBC count in the body
One can take baked potatoes, spinach, nuts, beans, legumes and green leafy vegetables if they are vegetarians and cannot consume meat.
We require vitamin B12 for the formation of red blood cells.
A red cell distribution width (RDW) test measures the differences in the volume and size of your red blood cells.
Cyanocobalaomin, Methylocobalamin, Vit B12
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