What should I eat before and after a sugar test?
You should fast for 10 hours before the test and one can eat breakfast or a meal after a test.
Last updated on 21 Mar 2023
Insulin reduces the body's blood sugar levels and provides cells with glucose for energy by helping cells absorb glucose. When blood sugar levels are too low, the pancreas releases glucagon. Glucagon instructs the liver to release stored glucose, which causes the body's blood sugar levels to rise.
At 30mg/dl one can slip into diabetic coma. Inform your doctor without further delay.
Insulin produced in pancreas control the storage of glucose in the body to be later used in the form of energy.
Postprandial refers to the blood glucose levels post a meal. This test is done to see how your body responds to sugar and starch after you eat a meal. As you digest the food in your stomach, blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels rise sharply.
Last updated on 15 Mar 2023
One can maintain a blood sugar level post meal by eating right amount of carbohydrates and incorporating walking post meals.
PPBS, Glucose PP, Postpardinal Plasma Glucose Concentration
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