
General Health

Green Tea VS Black Tea: Is It That Difficult To Pick The Side?

5 min read

By Apollo 24|7, Published on - 15 June 2022, Updated on - 23 May 2023

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On a rainy day, sitting on the porch, sniffing through the invigorating petrichor, what would you love to sip through? Most probably a cup of hot tea! But the real question is, which one? It’s futile to mention that the world is divided over green tea and black tea. While with modernisation people started drifting toward green tea as a ‘status symbol’, passionate tea connoisseurs still swear by the mind-invigorating brews like the Assam Black tea, Darjeeling Black tea, Ceylon Black tea, Earl Gray and Irish Breakfast tea. Today, we are not here to reflect on their choices, instead, we are here to remove the burden of choice from the shoulders of those who are still divided between these two teas.

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea, produced from unoxidised leaves of Camellia sinensis, has always played a prominent role in traditional Indian and Chinese medicine owing to its antioxidant properties and beneficial polyphenols.

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Here are some of its health benefits:

1. Aids Weight Loss

Something that we connect green tea to is weight loss. However, green tea directly does not result in fat loss. A medical publication has revealed that green tea contains catechins and caffeine, which can boost energy metabolism, thereby helping in weight loss.  

2. Eases Inflammation

One of the major components of green tea, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), is proven to have anti-inflammatory properties. Researchers have also found that when applied topically, green tea induces relieves skin inflammation. 

3. Lowers Cholesterol Levels 

Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that both green tea beverages and green tea extract supplements can significantly reduce the total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (bad cholesterol) levels in the blood. However, green tea didn’t have any effect on the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol which is also referred to as good cholesterol. By lowering the level of cholesterol, green tea also contributes to minimising the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. 

4. Lowers Risk of Diabetes

A study found that polyphenols found in plant-based diets can improve insulin resistance and oxidative stress. Since green tea is rich in beneficial polyphenols, it may help lower the risk of Type-2 diabetes.

5. Lowers Risk of Cognitive Disorders

The catechins and caffeine present in green tea have been found to reduce the incidence of cognitive impairment and disorders. In a meta-analysis, researchers have found that people who consume a good amount of green tea every day have fewer chances of cognitive impairment. 

Risks Associated with Green Tea

There are two sides to a coin. Similarly, green tea, which comes with a lot of health benefits, comes with some risks too. A cup of green tea is said to have somewhere between 30-50 milligrams of caffeine, which can cause anxiety, stomach issues, sleep deprivation, and nausea. Also, consuming large amounts of green tea beverages or extracts alongside a stimulant drug may lead to an increase in blood pressure and heart palpitations.

Health Benefits of Black Tea

Like green tea, black tea also comes from the same Camellia sinensis plant but in this case, the leaves undergo a lot of withering, drying, rolling and oxidation. This oxidation process not only gives this tea revitalizing aroma but also makes it nutritional by converting the catechins present in green tea into flavonols, thearubigins and theaflavins.


While many argue that both green and black tea come with equal health benefits, the oxidation process involved in manufacturing black tea may have a different impact on health.

1. Lowers Risk of Cancer

A research report suggested that catechins in green tea and theaflavins in black tea can have an inverse effect on skin, breast, lung and prostate cancer. The report stated that consumption of black tea has displayed a decreased risk of skin squamous cell carcinoma (a type of skin cancer). It has also been found black tea can have a protective effect on non-smoking women from lung cancer. Consumption of black tea may also reduce the risk of colon cancer in both men and women.

2. Possesses Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Regular consumption of black tea extracts can reduce oxidative stress as it contains anti-inflammatory effects. High oxidative stress can damage the vital organs of the body. 

3. Reduces Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis

A study conducted in Britain reported that people who consumed black tea were found to have greater mineral bone density. The same study also reported that women who drank at least 3 cups of tea a day showed a decreased risk of rheumatoid arthritis as compared to women who never drank tea.

4. Reduces Risk of Parkinson’s Disease

The epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) present in black tea has been found to have a protective effect against neuronal diseases. Owing to this, the study found that people who consumed around 3 cups of tea every day had a reduced risk of Parkinson’s disease.

Risks Associated With Black Tea

Like green tea, black tea also comes with some risk factors, when consumed above prescribed limits. Some elements like lead and aluminium present in black tea can actually become toxic if consumed in large quantities. Black tea also contains around 4% of caffeine, which in excess can lead to insomnia, stomach issues and anxiety. Research has also found that when one consumes black tea in large quantities, the tannins present in them slow down the body’s ability to absorb iron and that may further lead to anaemia.

All in all, both green and black tea come with their own set of health benefits and risk factors but what to choose to invigorate your senses, should better be left to you. If you ask for our opinion, we believe, you can consume both in moderate quantities to enjoy both of their health benefits. But if it is all about taste, you are the better judge.

Medically reviewed by Dr Sonia Bhatt.

General Health

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