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Digestive Health

Why is women’s wellness important?

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Digestive Health

How the Gut Microbiome Works to Keep You Healthy

Maintaining the right balance between the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ microorganisms is essential for immunity, and overall physical and mental health.

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Digestive Health

Is Banana Good for Loose Motion: Get Experts' Advice

Discover how bananas can help alleviate loose motions and provide relief from diarrhea. Rich in prebiotics and fiber, bananas promote a healthier digestive system, firm up stools, and restore energy. Learn about other recommended foods and those to avoid, along with tips for incorporating bananas into your diet during loose motions.

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Digestive Health

Leaky Gut Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Tests and Treatment

Learn about leaky gut syndrome, a condition where the lining of the intestine becomes permeable, allowing toxins and bacteria to enter the bloodstream. Know its causes, symptoms, and effective treatment options.

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Digestive Health

Yellow, Green, Black or Red Vomit: What It Means & What to Do?

While vomit is a definite sign that something is going wrong in your body, it is also a specimen whose colour, texture, and taste can help you identify the exact thing gone wrong.

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Digestive Health

Suffering Frequent Acidic Burps? Get Checked For These Digestive issues

Read to know the possible reasons behind frequent acidic burping and the ways to deal with it.


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Digestive Health

Stomach Ulcers: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Discover Stomach Ulcers: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment. Get insights and expert guidance for effective management and relief.

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Digestive Health

Laser Treatment for Piles: Everything You Need To Know

Discover how laser treatment is transforming the management of piles, offering a less invasive and more effective solution without the need for surgery.

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Digestive Health

7 Best Home Remedies To Stop Loose Motion

This article provides information on managing loose motion through effective home remedies. It covers the causes, symptoms, and when to seek medical attention. The article emphasizes the importance of fluid intake, following the BRAT diet, fiber restriction, rest, and incorporating probiotics. It concludes by highlighting the need to consult a healthcare professional if symptoms persist.

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Digestive Health

Loose Motion: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Diet & Complications

This comprehensive article explores the causes, symptoms, diagnosis methods, and treatment options for loose motion or diarrhoea. It also covers potential complications and prevention measures.