Dr. Booking Fee
•6+ years experience
Dermatologist • 6+ Years Exp.
Apollo Hospitals D R D O, kanchanbagh
Hospitals/clinic Locations
About Dr. Booking Fee
- •Dr. Booking Fee is a Dermatologist with 6 Years of Experience. She is affiliated with Apollo Hospitals D R D O, kanchanbagh in Hyderabad. Dr. Booking Fee holds MD DVL. She speaks ENGLISH.
- •Book a Hospital Visit with Dr. Booking Fee with Apollo now.
- •Dr. Booking Fee has over 6 years of experience as a Dermatologist at Apollo Hospitals D R D O, kanchanbagh.
Education & Work Experience
How can I book an appointment with Dr. Booking Fee?
You can book an appointment online via the Apollo 24|7 website or app by selecting an available slot. You can book a Physical visit to the hospital.
What do patients say about Dr. Booking Fee?
Most patients recomment Dr. Booking Fee. She is highly rated by patients for their expertise and compassionate care.
What is Dr. Booking Fee's educational qualification?
Dr. Booking Fee holds MD DVL, and specializes in Dermatologist.
How many years of experience does Dr. Booking Fee have?
Dr. Booking Fee has over 6 years of experience in Dermatology.
What is Dr. Booking Fee's medical specialty?
Dr. Booking Fee specializes in Dermatology, offering expert care in this field for more than 6 years.
What conditions does Dr. Booking Fee treat?
Dr. Booking Fee treats conditions like and more conditions related to Dermatology.
What is the consultation fee for Dr. Booking Fee?
The consultation fee for Dr. Booking Fee is ₹400.
Does Dr. Booking Fee offer online consultations?
No, Dr. Booking Fee does not provide online consultations via Apollo 24|7.
Where does Dr. Booking Fee practice?
Dr. Booking Fee practices at Apollo Hospitals D R D O, kanchanbagh in Hyderabad.
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