Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes
•20+ years experience
Dentists • 20+ Years Exp.
Palm Dent Care
English, Hindi, Kannada, Malyalam
About Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes
- •Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes is a Dentists with 20 Years of Experience. He is affiliated with Palm Dent Care in Bangalore. Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes holds B.D.S. He speaks English, Hindi, Kannada, Malyalam.
- •Book a Digital Consult/Clinic Visit with Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes with Apollo now.
- •Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes has over 20 years of experience as a Dentists at Palm Dent Care.
Education & Work Experience
How can I book an appointment with Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes?
You can book an appointment online via the Apollo 24|7 website or app by selecting an available slot. You can book a digital consult as well as Physical visit to the clinic.
What do patients say about Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes?
Most patients recomment Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes. He is highly rated by patients for their expertise and compassionate care.
What is Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes's educational qualification?
Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes holds B.D.S, and specializes in Dentists.
How many years of experience does Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes have?
Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes has over 20 years of experience in Dentist.
What is Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes's medical specialty?
Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes specializes in Dentist, offering expert care in this field for more than 20 years.
What conditions does Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes treat?
Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes treats conditions like and more conditions related to Dentist.
What is the consultation fee for Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes?
The consultation fee for Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes is ₹400.
Does Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes offer online consultations?
Yes, Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes provides online consultations via Apollo 24|7.
Where does Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes practice?
Dr. Swamy M E S Swamy Mes practices at Palm Dent Care in Bangalore.