
General Health

How to Dissolve Kidney Stones at Home?

6 min read

By Apollo 24|7, Published on - 05 July 2022, Updated on - 14 June 2023

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Kidney stones are hard deposits in the kidney which travel through the urinary tract to exit out from the body. Yes, depending on the size, passing a kidney stone can be very painful. However, the good news is kidney stones can sometimes get dissolved by practising home remedies along with taking expert advice from the best nephrologist.

What Causes Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones may be caused because of one or a combination of multiple factors such as dehydration, excessively acidic urine, urinary tract infections, the buildup of waste and toxins in the kidneys etc. 

The symptoms include excessive lower back, abdominal, or urinary tract pain which may be sharp, mild, or excruciating. Few people may also experience severe vomiting or feel nauseated, get frequent urination, chills, or profuse sweating.

While kidney stone symptoms vary depending on the size of the stones, the discomfort and uncertainty of pain’s onset is a good reason to see a urologist or nephrologist. 

Note that kidney stones are easily curable if diagnosed early. However, leaving the stones unattended can cause them to enlarge and become aggravatingly painful. 

Also note that, while home remedies do provide noticeable relief, consulting a kidney stone doctor remains crucial to avoid severe pain aggravation and medical complications. 

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9 Home Remedies to Dissolve Kidney Stones Naturally


1. Drink Plenty of Fluids

Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water every day is recorded to be highly beneficial for dissolving and flushing out kidney stones naturally. Apart from water, one can also opt for fresh fruit juices prepared at homes such as pomegranate juice, lemonades, or even soups. All are known to be substantially beneficial in the management of kidney stones. Also, note that they not only help in flushing out small stones but also help prevent them from enlarging. 

However, avoid processed juices as they may increase the chances of kidney stones due to the high amount of hidden sugars present in them.

2. Sip Basil Tea

Basil tea is an excellent source of acetic acid, a component particularly useful in reducing the pain caused due to kidney stones. This remedy has also been effective in dissolving small kidney stones. 

In essence, basil tea offers a one-shot remedy to enhance the healthy functioning of the kidneys by helping to extract excess uric acid and maintaining uric acid levels in the kidneys, thereby preventing or dissolving small stones. In addition, its anti-lithiasis properties also help prevent their formation, while breaking and shrinking the size of existing stones.

3. Consume Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is effective in preventing oxidative stress on the kidneys. It increases the levels of antioxidants in the body, balances blood sugar levels and reduces blood pressure, by preventing various kidney diseases. 

In addition, apple cider vinegar contains citric acid which is known to help in dissolving kidney stones. Frequent or daily intake of apple cider vinegar also flushes out toxins from the kidneys.

4. Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

Did you know that obesity and weight gain can increase your chances of having kidney stones? Surprisingly research suggests that the risk is greater in women than men. Obesity is associated with insulin resistance and compensatory hyperinsulinemia, metabolic derangements that may lead to the formation of calcium-containing kidney stones. 

Hence, to overcome weight issues one must incorporate physical activity for at least five days a week along with a low carbohydrate and lean protein diet that can help lose weight, dissolve and prevent kidney stones.

5. Take a Calcium-Rich Diet

Calcium oxalate stones are the most common types of kidney stones. However, there is a huge misconception that eating a calcium-rich diet can lead to kidney stones. Studies suggest that eating milk, yoghurt cheese, and oxalate-rich foods during meals can lessen the chances of kidney stone formation. 

The recommended dietary intake of calcium is 1000-1200 mg per day. 

In addition, avoid red meat and shellfish which are high-purine foods that contribute to kidney stone formation.

6. Drink Wheatgrass Juice

The compounds in the wheatgrass juice increase the production of urine, allowing the stones to pass more easily. Wheatgrass is also rich in antioxidants, which help to get rid of the calcium deposits in the urinary tract. Instead of taking pills, one can check with their doctor and consume wheatgrass juice to dissolve and prevent kidney stones.

7. Drink Celery root juice

Celery root juice is known to clear away toxins that are responsible for the formation of kidney stones. This has been long used as a traditional medication that helps flush out kidney stones from the body. 

However, it is known to interfere with certain medications such as levothyroxine and alprazolam. Hence, one should take the doctor's advice before starting with celery root juice therapy.

8. Kidney Bean Broth

Kidney beans broth has been used in India as a part of a home remedy to remove kidney stones. The broth from cooked kidney beans is a traditional dish that has been used to improve overall urinary and kidney health. It also helps dissolve and flush out the stones. 

Preparation:  Strain the liquid or broth from cooked kidney beans and drink a few glasses throughout the day. However, in case you experience bloating or nausea, discontinue drinking the broth.

9. Dandelion Root Juice

Dandelion root juice may help reduce crystal deposition in the urinary tract. If one cannot consume dandelion root juice directly, then dandelion tea can also play a crucial role. It is believed to reduce the risk of kidney stones by keeping your kidneys flushed and functioning at optimal levels.

Can Kidney Stones Be Treated At Home?

Dr. Ravi Vemagiri Andrews, a nephrologist associated with Apollo 24|7, states that “Kidney stones can be treated medically or surgically depending on the size, location, and response to initial treatment. After evaluation by a nephrologist or urologist, treatment is initiated. If the symptoms are not too severe, the patient is given medical treatment, which can be continued at. If the case is too severe, the patient may need hospitalisation and surgery. In some cases, ESWL (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy) or laser therapy can be used to break down stones non-surgically and can be done as an outpatient procedure. Furthermore, signs that indicate the need to visit a doctor include persistent pain, vomiting, fever, blood in urine, and burning or discomfort while passing urine.”


If you have been diagnosed with kidney stones or have a family history of kidney stones, then you must try these home remedies, as they help to a certain extent in flushing/dissolving kidney stones. 

However, in any case, if kidney stone pain aggravates do not delay consulting a doctor. During these times, home remedies may not provide relief, further, the condition may deteriorate or aggravate and lead to excruciating pain and complications leading to immediate hospitalization. Hence, it's recommended to speak with a nephrologist and take the necessary steps to keep kidney stones at bay!

Consult Dr Ravi Vemagiri Andrews


Medically reviewed by Dr Sonia Bhatt 


General Health

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