Diabetes Management
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Published on - 06 June 2024, Updated on - 20 June 2024
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Diabetes Management
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Diabetes Management
Should Diabetics Fast in Navratri?
Fasting during Navratri can be a personal choice for individuals with diabetes, but it requires careful planning and consideration. Consulting with a healthcare provider is essential for creating a fasting plan tailored to your needs. Choosing low-carbohydrate, low-GI foods, staying hydrated, monitoring blood sugar levels, and being prepared for potential hypoglycemia are crucial aspects of successful fasting. If blood sugar levels become unmanageable or drop too low, breaking the fast is recommended. Listening to your body and prioritising health and safety are the keys to religious practices.
Diabetes Management
A Step-By-Step Guide To Using A Glucometer
Regular blood sugar monitoring is crucial for effective diabetes management. Glucometers, portable devices that measure blood glucose levels at home, offer convenience. To use a glucometer, start by gathering necessary supplies: soap or alcohol prep pads, test strips, a lancing device with a new lancet, and a notepad or smartphone app to record results. Follow these steps: clean your hands, turn on the glucometer, prick your fingertip, apply blood to the test strip, stop bleeding, and record the results.
Diabetes Management
Understanding the Impact of Standing on Insulin Sensitivity
A new study has found that mere standing can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
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Diabetes Management
Should Diabetics Fast in Navratri?
Fasting during Navratri can be a personal choice for individuals with diabetes, but it requires careful planning and consideration. Consulting with a healthcare provider is essential for creating a fasting plan tailored to your needs. Choosing low-carbohydrate, low-GI foods, staying hydrated, monitoring blood sugar levels, and being prepared for potential hypoglycemia are crucial aspects of successful fasting. If blood sugar levels become unmanageable or drop too low, breaking the fast is recommended. Listening to your body and prioritising health and safety are the keys to religious practices.
Diabetes Management
A Step-By-Step Guide To Using A Glucometer
Regular blood sugar monitoring is crucial for effective diabetes management. Glucometers, portable devices that measure blood glucose levels at home, offer convenience. To use a glucometer, start by gathering necessary supplies: soap or alcohol prep pads, test strips, a lancing device with a new lancet, and a notepad or smartphone app to record results. Follow these steps: clean your hands, turn on the glucometer, prick your fingertip, apply blood to the test strip, stop bleeding, and record the results.
Diabetes Management
Understanding the Impact of Standing on Insulin Sensitivity
A new study has found that mere standing can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.