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Best Online Doctors for Pediatric Gastroenterology

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Why does my child have food allergies?

A child has food allergy when his/her immune system takes that particular food or foods as a danger to its own body. While marking it as danger, by default it produces histamines and other chemicals causing inflammations in the body

Are food allergy and food intolerance the same thing?

No, food allergies cause an immune system reaction which could be slightly dangerous in nature as it involves all organs of the body. Whereas food intolerance is mainly restricted to digestive issues which can be easily resolved by not consuming that particular food.

What are the most common foods which causes allergies in children?

Wheat, eggs, milk, nuts, shell-fish and red meat are the most common causes of food allergies in children.

How do I know my child has food allergy with a specific food?

Ideally an allergy panel test will confirm specific food allergies. However, you can also observe if your child begins to vomit or complains of immediate abdominal bloating and pain after having certain foods. Red itchy rashes and diarrhea are also prominent signs of food allergies. Consult a pediatric gastroenterologist if your child is suffering from any of the above symptoms.